Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 10, 2010

Okay so here's my last week:  Threw up twice because of food  poisoning, gained 5lbs of fat that I'm now trying to pushup, pullup and situp off.  I dislocated my toe and had it popped back into place.  Actually didn't hurt that bad but it wasn't fun.  I had a cracked filling taken care of but it still hurts and is annoying so I'm going to have it checked again.  I found out I have to get 4 shots and all the food here goes right through me.  Other than that I'm fine.  En serio I’m fine and have a good time.  All of the bad stuff just makes us appreciate the good stuff all the better like going to the temple this morning...awesome!  So this coming week we're learning how to teach the 2nd lesson though we are continually reminded by our teachers and the spirit that we don’t teach lessons, we teach people and we teach by the spirit.  You know what takes away the spirit though, stupid conversations about foreordination of prophets and if god foreordained evil too and god's father and a bunch of irrelevant stuff that just makes me mad when they continue to argue.  It drives the spirit away and doesn't help anyone.  Ok so my email venting is over and done.  On to better things.
So everyone who has written me thanks so much and everyone who hasn't...what the what!!! ;)  Just kidding.  I know you're busy but don't feel like you have to write a whole novel just the words, "Good luck Elder so and so," is enough to make us missionaries happy but if you want to say more ignore that last bit.  Oh yeah, special shout out to Brock and Ashley and my bud Cal!!!!  Thank you so much for the last year and all you've done to help me.  I love you guys.
I have like 2 minutes left so here’s as much of my testimony as possible:  Yo se que a Dios es nuestro amoroso padre celestial y Su hijo Jesucristo es nuestro hermano mayor.  Se que a traves de la expiacion de jesucristo todas personas que venir a Dios y creer en la evangelio restaraudo poderan vivir con sus familias por eternidad.

K times up and I love you guys. 